Adonia Verlag: Why Mummy Doesn't Give a ...! - Sims, Gill - Harper Collins Uk

Why Mummy Doesn't Give a ...!

Harper Collins Uk
ISBN 9780008301255
352 Seiten, Gebunden/Hardcover
CHF 17.90
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Mummy dreams of a quirky rural cottage with roses around the door and chatty chickens in the garden. Life, as ever, is not going quite as she planned. Paxo, Oxo and Bisto turn out to be highly rambunctious, rather than merely chatty, and the roses have jaggy thorns. Her precious moppets are now giant teenagers, and instead of wittering at her about who would win in a fight - a dragon badger or a ninja horse - they are Snapchatting the night away... All 'just phases!'. When do the "phases" end though? WHEN?