Adonia Verlag: Thomas Gray in Copenhagen - Davis, Philip J - Springer

Thomas Gray in Copenhagen

In Which the Philosopher Cat Meets the Ghost of Hans Christian Andersen
ISBN 9781475743685
CHF 60.20
Wird für Sie besorgt
Inhaltsangabe1 The Soul of a Canary.- 2 Lessons in the Danish Language and Literature.- 3 The Conference.- 4 The Search Begins.- 5 Conversation with a Bouillabaisse.- 6 Thomas Gray Arrives on the Scene.- 7 The Collaboration Renewed.- 8 Found on Stroeget.- 9 The Glory of the Realm.- 10 Spectral Dialogue in Nyhavn.- 11 Lucas Fysst's Dream: The Wienerbroed and the Cat.- 12 Instructions Are Received.- 13 The Plain Brown Envelope.- 14 The Kongekat's Story.- 15 Lunch at Villa Fredenskjold.- 16 Diamonds Around Her Neck.- 17 Tea at Amalienborg.- 18 Advanced Procedures.- 19 More Pressure Is Applied.- 20 "Perhaps YOU Have".- 21 Den Lille Havfrue.- 22 Bona Fides Established.- 23 Chaos Off Camera.- 24 The Magic Mirror.- 25 A Good Bit More Is Revealed.