The Politicization of Parenthood

ISBN 9789400729711
CHF 171.90
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InhaltsangabeIntroduction - Sabine Andresen and Martina Richter - The Politicization of Parenthood - Shifting Private and Public Responsibilities in Education and Child Rearing.-

Part I     Families and the Welfare State: the Understanding of Responsibility.-

Val Gillies
Family Policy and the Politics of Parenting: From Function to Competence.

Nadia Kutscher  - Families, Professionals, and Responsibility.-

Anne Lise Ellingsaeter - Nordic Politicization of Parenthood: Unfolding Hybridization?.-

Brid Featherstone - Can a Crisis Become an Opportunity? Gender and Care in Contemporary Ireland.-

Kristen D. Nawrotzki  - Parent-School Relations in England and the USA: Partnership, Problematized.-

Andreas Lange  - Family and Welfare State Change: Challenges for Education.-

Nina Oelkers - The Redistribution of Responsibility Between State and Parents - Family in the Context of Post-Welfare-State Transformation.-

Part II Child Rearing Between Family Care and Institutional Provisions.-

Tanja Betz
Early Childhood Education, and Social Inequality: Parental Models of a "Good" Childhood.

Colette McAuley - Child Well-Being in the UK: Children's Views of Families.-

Carol Vincent, Nicola Rollock, Stephen Ball, and David Gillborn  - The Educational Strategies of the Black Middle Classes.-

Jutta Ecarius - Significance of Family and School, Educational Standards, and Social Reproduction in Education.-

Elke Wild and Sittipan Yotyodying - Studying at Home-With Whom and in Which Way? Homework Practices and Conflicts in the Family.-

Christine Hunner-Kreisel  - "Having to Keep Silent":  A Capabilities Perspective on Growing Up and the "Education Process" in a Migration Family.-

Part III Meeting Parents' and Children's Needs: Professionals in Schools.-

Erin McNamara Horvat  - Pushing Parents Away: The Role of District Bureaucracy in an Urban School.-

TillSebastian Idel, Kerstin Rabenstein, and Sabine Reh
Symbolic Constructions, Pedagogical Practices, and the Legitimization of the AllDay School From a Professional Perspective: Tendencies Towards Familialization in AllDay Schools.

Nicole Börner - Parents' Perspectives on Services to Support Families in All-Day Schools.-

Michael Urban, Kapriel Meser, and Rolf Werning - Parental Involvement in All-Day Special Schools for Learning Disabilities.-

Regina Soremski - Educational or Childrearing Partnerships: What Kind of Cooperation is Needed at All-Day Secondary Schools?.-

Natalie Fischer and Felix Brümmer - School Attachment and Performance: The Impact of Participation in Extracurricular Activities at School,-

Ivo Züchner  - Daily School Time, Workforce Participation, and Family Life: Time Spent in School as a Condition of Family Life.-

Sabine Andresen, Lena Blomenkamp, Nicole Koch, Martina Richter, Anne-Dorothee Wolf, and Kathrin Wrobel  - Ideas of Family and Concepts of Responsibility at All-Day School.-
