Stefano Cerio

ISBN 9783775743013
128 Seiten, Gebunden/Hardcover
CHF 39.60
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What happens in amusement parks when the lights go out? What happens at childrens playgrounds at night? A desolate quiet takes over the spaces where, when the sun shines, children play and adults relax. With his latest photo series, Night Games, Stefano Cerio (*1962) does more than simply continue his 2015 series Chinese Fun. He links them both through a process used in 2011 while photographing his series Night Ski. With the absence of natural light during nighttime, he made a virtue out of necessity by employing artificial lighting. By doing so, he could achieve sculptural, even haptic qualities in his images. The results are uncanny, fascinating views of carnival rides, slides, and carousels that one usually never sees, although here, they are always close at hand.Exhibitions: Galleria del Cembalo, Rome 4.5.-8.7.2017; Camera - Centro Italiano per la Fotografia, Turin 1.6.-30.6.2017