Adonia Verlag: Shareholder and Company Governance Wars - Byrd, Francis H - Gruyter

Shareholder and Company Governance Wars

The Alexandra Lajoux Corporate Governance Series
ISBN 9781547416486
CHF 39.60
Wird für Sie besorgt
What is corporate governance? Why is it important? Why are companies and shareholders perpetually warring over it? What impact do these battles have on investors and non-investors alike? Shareholder and Company Governance Wars provides a window into on-going battles between shareholders and public companies on the vast range of issues considered to be "corporate governance" today, including executive compensation; dividends and financial considerations; diversity; environmental, health, and safety (EHS) issues; a variety of social issues; and control of companies and the boards who oversee them. In this thoughtful, eye-witness account, Francis H. Byrd discusses the modern shareholder rights movement and gives insights into the best practices for companies and shareholders in dealing with each other. This book will be of interest to institutional investors, academics, and corporate and securities lawyers, regulators and the business media.