Adonia Verlag: Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry SIMS IISpringer

Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry SIMS II

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectro
ISBN 9783642618734
CHF 114.30
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InhaltsangabeI. Fundamentals Chairpersons: D.E. Harrison and C.A. Evans, Jr.- Invited: The Dynamics of Ion-Solid Interactions: A Basis for Understanding SIMS.- Invited: Simultaneous Measurements of Photon and Secondary Ion Emissions from Ion-Bombarded Metal Surfaces.- Atom Ejection Mechanisms and Models.- New Models of Sputtering and Ion Knock-On Mixing.- Clustering Distances in Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry.- Basic Aspects in the Sputtering of Atoms, Ions, and Excited States.- Cluster Formation in SIMS: CO on PdAg.- Effect of Partial Oxygen Pressure on Metal Single Crystals Bombarded by Noble Gas Ions.- A Comparison of Absolute Yields of Excited Neutrals and Positive Ions from Ion-Bombarded Surfaces.- Correlation Between the Spectral Ionization Probability of Sputtered Atoms and the Electron Density of States.- Physical Aspects of the Valence Model's Parameters.- Negative Ion Emission from Surfaces Covered with Cesium and Bombarded by Noble Gas Ions.- Angle-Resolved SIMS-A New Technique for the Determination of Surface Structure.- II. Quantitation Chairpersons: D.B. Wittry and P. Williams.- Invited: Factors Influencing Secondary Ion Yields.- Invited: Instrumental Effects on Quantitative Analysis by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry.- A Quantitative Model for the Effects on Secondary Ion Emission of Gaseous Absorption at Solid Surfaces Under Noble Gas Ion Bombardment.- The Application of Ion Implantation to Quantitative SIMS Analysis.- Energy Filtering and Quantitative SIMS Analysis of Silicates for Major and Trace Elements.- Quantitative Analysis of Doped GaAs by Quadrupole SIMS.- Trace Element Analysis of Silicates by Ion Microprobe.- Imaging of Element Distributions by Ion Microprobe.- Secondary Ion Emission from Titanium Alloys Under Argon and Oxygen Bombardment.- Effect of Alloying in Secondary Ion Emission from AgPd and CrNi Systems.- III. Semiconductors Chairpersons: C.W. Magee and W. Werner.- Invited: Quantitation of SIMS for Semiconductor Processing Technology.- Problems Encountered in Depth Profiling of Nitrogen and Oxygen in Silicon by Means of Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry.- Depth Profiling of Phosphorus in Silicon Using Cesium Bombardment Negative SIMS.- Chromium and Iron Determination in GaAs Epitaxial Layers.- Thermal Redistribution of Cr in GaAs Due to Damage, Stress and Concentration Gradients.- On-Line Sputter Rate Measurements During SIMS, AES Depth Profiling.- Laser Induced Redistribution of Ion Implanted and Surface Deposited B in Silicon: A SIMS Study.- SIMS Identification of Impurity Segregation to Grain Boundaries in Cast Multigrained Silicon.- SIMS Studies in Compound Semiconductors.- Characterization for Composition and Uniformity of MCVD Glass Film by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS).- SIMS Study of Metallized Silicon Semiconductors.- IV. Static SIMS Chairperson: A. Benninghoven.- Invited: Molecular Secondary Ion Emission.- Invited: Analytical Applications of SIMS.- Static SIMS Investigations of Ami no Acid Mixtures.- Static SIMS of Ami no Acid Overlayers.- Static SIMS Studies of Metal-Covered W(110) Surfaces.- Investigation of Surface Reactions by SIMS: Nickel-Oxygen-Hydrogen- Interacti on.- Study of Inorganic Salts by Static and Dynamic Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS).- Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry of Ami no Acids by Proton and Alkali Ion Attachment.- V. Metallurgy Chairpersons: J.D. Brown and A.P. von Rosenstiel.- Invited: Application of SIMS to Analysis of Steels.- Investigation of Metal Corrosion Mechanisms Using Stable Isotopes with the Ion Microprobe.- Investigations of Corrosion Layers on Mild Steel with a Direct Imaging Mass Spectrometer.- The Use of SIMS in the Oxidation of Metals.- Influence of Atomic Concentrations on Ion Emission Yields of Alloys Flooded with Oxygen.- Application of SIMS and AES to Environmental Studies of Fatigue Crack Growth in Aluminum Alloys.- Application of Ion Microprobe to Surface Properties of Cold-Rolled Steel Sheet.- Some Applications of SIMS and Other Su