Adonia Verlag: Research Evidence in EducationSpringer

Research Evidence in Education

From the Schoolhouse Door to Capitol Hill, Policy Implications of Research in Ed
ISBN 9783319046891
CHF 183.60
Wird für Sie besorgt
InhaltsangabeForeword. Robert C. Granger.- Chapter 1. Beginning the Journey: Research Evidence from the Schoolhouse Door to Capitol Hill: Alan J. Daly & Kara S. Finnigan.- SECTION I - Using Research Evidence at the School and District Level.- Chapter 2. Introduction to Section I: Using Research Evidence at the School and District Level: Bill Penuel & Cynthia Coburn.- Chapter 3. The Critical Role of Brokers in the Access and Use of Evidence at the School and District Level: Alan J. Daly, Kara S. Finnigan, Nienke M. Moolenaar, & Jing Che.- Chapter 4. Leaders' Use of Research for Fundamental Change in School District Central Offices: Processes and Challenges: Meredith I. Honig, Nitya Venkateswaran with Patricia McNeil & Jenee Myers-Twitchell.-

Chapter 5. The Research on Education, Deliberation, and Decision-Making (REDD) Project: Rob Asen & Deb Gurke.- Chapter 6. The Intermediary function in evidence production, promotion, and utilization: The case of educational incentives: Janelle Scott, Christopher Lubienski, Elizabeth Debray, & Huriya Jabbar.- SECTION II - Using Research Evidence at the State and Federal Level.- Chapter 7. Introduction to Section II: Using Research Evidence at State and Federal Level: Elliot Weinbaum.-

Chapter 8. How State Education Agencies Acquire and Use Research Knowledge for School Improvement: Carol A. Barnes, Margaret E. Goertz, & Diane Massell.- Chapter 9. Research Evidence and the Common Core Standards: Lorraine McDonnell & M. Stephen Weatherford.- Chapter 10. Obama's Promise: Using Evidence to Fight the Nation's Social Problems: Ron Haskins & Greg Margolis.- SECTION III: Defining, Acquiring, and Using Research Evidence - Looking Across and Beyond.- Chapter 11. Building the Infrastructure to Improve the Use and Usefulness of Research in Education: Vivian Tseng & Sandra Nutley.- Chapter 12: Conclusion: Research Evidence from the Schoolhouse Door to Capitol Hill: Kara S. Finnigan & Alan J. Daly.