Practicing Modernity

ISBN 9783826032417
354 Seiten, Taschenbuch/Paperback
CHF 53.55
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Vorwort - I. Sharp: Women and Weimar Berlin - C. Ujma: Theories of Masculinity and the Avant-Garde - T. Elsaesser: The Camera in the Kitchen: Grete Schütte-Lihotsky and Domestic Modernity - A. Baumhoff: Women in the Bauhaus: Gender Issues in Weimar Culture - D. Rowe: Painting herself. Lotte Laserstein between subject and object - U. Seiderer: Between Minor Sculpture and Promethean Creativity. The Position of Käthe Kollwitz in Weimar's Discourse on Art - C. Finnan: Photographers between Challenge and Conformity. Yva's Career and Oeuvre - K. Bruns: Thea von Harbou. Writing Skills and Film Aesthetics - J. Trimborn: Leni Riefenstahl's Career before Hitler: Success-stories of an Outsider - C. Schönfeld: Lotte Reiniger and the Art of Animation - A. Lareau: The Blonde Lady Sings. Women in Weimar Cabaret - I. C. Gil: 'Jede Frau ist eine Tänzerin.' The Gender of Dance in Weimar Culture - B. Maier-Katkin: Anna Seghers, Irmgard Keun. A Discourse on Emancipation and Social Circumstance - C. Ujma: Gabriele Tergit and Berlin: Women, City and Modernity - C. Finnan: Marieluise Fleißer's Self-Reflections on the Female Writer - J. Redmann: Else Lasker-Schüler versus the Weimar Publishing Industry. Genius, Gender, Politics, and the Literary Market - J. Warren: Contrasted Heroines in Two Plays by Ilse Langner. A Dramatist at 'Weimar's End' - L. Soares: Vicky Baum and Gina Kaus: Vienna, Berlin, Hollywood