Papilios Welt

ISBN 9783854521709
32 Seiten, Gebunden/Hardcover
Titel fehlt vorübergehend
»Papilio's World«A poetic vision of a diverse world full of freedom.Its springtime! Papilio spreads his arms, waiting for the wind to carry him through the streets. »Come with me!« he calls out to the man with the dog, to the girl with the freckles, to the tightrope walker and the barefooted woman. They all follow Papilio to listen to him dreaming about another world. A world where people live where they want to live, cook what they like to eat, have time to do what they love to do and go where their hearts lead them. A completely queer idea? Not for the girl with the freckles who wants to give Papilios dream a chance. Together they wait for the wind