Okinawan karateka

ISBN 9781155634364
30 Seiten, Taschenbuch/Paperback
CHF 17.75
BOD folgt in ca. einer Woche
Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 29. Chapters: Shimabuku Tatsuo, Gichin Funakoshi, Seiichi Akamine, Motobu Choki, Anko Itosu, Chojun Miyagi, Morio Higaonna, Eiichi Miyazato, Kenwa Mabuni, Meitoku Yagi, Kanken Toyama, Matsumura Sokon, Shoshin Nagamine, Choshin Chibana, Kentsu Yabu, Higaonna Kanryo, Seikichi Toguchi, Eizo Shimabukuro, Teruyuki Okazaki, Arakaki Seisho, Katsuhiko Shinzato, Seikichi Iha, Shinpan Gusukuma, Chotoku Kyan, Shugoro Nakazato, Kanbun Uechi, Anko Asato, Taira Shinken, Mabuni Kenei, Hohan Soken, Masami Chinen, Kosaku Matsumora, Toshihiro Oshiro, Kiyohide Shinjo, Kanei Uechi, Zenryo Shimabukuro, Seko Higa, Kanga Sakukawa, Chokei Kishaba, Motobu Choyu, Higa Peechin, Ansei Ueshiro, Katsuya Miyahira, Seigi Nakamura, Masanobu Kikukawa, Peichin Takahara, Ankichi Arakaki, Seiichi Iju, Nakama Chozo, Nabe Matsumura, Chogi Kishaba, Higaonna Kanryu, Chomo Hanashiro, Shinko Matayoshi, Kanki Izumigawa. Excerpt: Tatsuo Shimabuku (; September 19, 1908 - May 30, 1975) was the founder of Isshin-ryu ("One Heart Style") karate. Tatsuo Shimabuku was born in Kyan village, Okinawa, on September 19, 1908. He was the first of ten children born into a farming family. By the age of 12, he had a strong desire to study martial arts. He walked to the nearby village of Shuri, a distance of 12 miles, to the home of his uncle, Shinko Ganiku, a fortuneteller. Shinkichi primarily learned to be a fortuneteller from his uncle, but also studied the rudiments of the karate that his uncle had learned while in China. Eizo Shimabukuro (b.1925) is a younger brother of Tatsuo's who also excelled in martial arts. Eizo studied under his elder brother, Tatsuo, and is said to have also studied under the same masters as Tatsuo, such as Chotoku Kyan, Choki Motobu, Chojun Miyagi, and Shinken Taira. While the older brother went on to create his own new style of karate, Eizo quickly moved up the ranks in Shorin-ryu (Shobayashi). By the time Shimabuku was a teenager, he had obtained the physical level of a person six years his senior. His physical condition was due to his karate training as well as his working on the family farm. He excelled in athletic events on the island. By the time he was 17, he was consistently winning in two of his favorite events, the javelin throw and high jump. Around the age of 23, because of Shimabuku's desire to further his knowledge, he began to study Shuri-te, which later became known as Shorin-ryu (Shao-lin Style) under Chotoku Kyan in the village of Kadena. He began his training with Kyan in 1932. Kyan taught Shimabuku at his home. Kyan also taught at the Okinawa Prefectural Agricultural School. Within a short time, he became one of Kyan's best students and, under Kyan's instruction, learned the kata: Seisan, Naihanchi, Wansu, Chinto and Kusanku along with the weapons kata Tokumine-no-kun and basic Sai. He also began his study of "Ki" (or "Chinkuchi; ()" in Okinawan dia