Adonia Verlag: Naaman - the Musical (english) - Markus Hottiger, David Plüss

Naaman - the Musical (english)


Laufzeit 0:47:10

The Aramaic general Naaman is dangerously ill with incurable leprosy. His wife's maid, a Hebrew slave girl, tells him there is a prophet in her home country who can cure disease. So the Aramaic king sends Naaman to the king of Israel with a letter and valuable gifts, hoping Naaman's life will be saved.
The king of Israel is appalled at the request, knowing that he cannot heal Naaman, and suspects the Aramaic king of picking a fight. The prophet Elisha hears about it and tells the king to send Naaman to him. However, the 'prescription' Elisha gives Naaman is so strange that Naaman loses his temper and refuses to do it. His companions, knowing this could be his last chance, must convince Naaman to trust Elisha and his God.
This Adonia musical is based on the story of Naaman and Elisha in the 2nd book of Kings in the Old Testament.

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Musical-CD mit Download-Code

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Sheets of music for the piano and other musical instruments

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