My Time In East German Prisons

ISBN 9783745076233
148 Seiten, Taschenbuch/Paperback
CHF 13.95
BOD folgt in 3-4 Tagen
Stasi would also kil l oppone nts of the regime, with total impunity. In the name of socialism, the SED (Sozialistische Einhei tsp ar tei Deu tschlands - Socialist Unity Party of Ge rmany) was busy bragging about the

irrele vant because, since I didnt have a spe ci fic plan, she couldnt get spe ci fic informati on. Volker had no idea his mother was a Stasi spy who was pandering to her liaison officer. She was e

door in Uhlandstraße. Ultimately, all she re porte d was irrele vant because, since I didnt have a spe ci fic plan, she couldnt get spe ci fic informati on. Volker had no idea his mother was a Stasi spy