Adonia Verlag: Kulturtransfer über Epochen und Kontinente - Zhang, Huiwen - Gruyter

Kulturtransfer über Epochen und Kontinente

Feng Zihs Roman 'Wu Zixu' als Begegnung von Antike und Moderne, China und Europa
ISBN 9783110279689
CHF 139.50
Wird für Sie besorgt
Born at the critical moment of China's emergence into the modern world, Feng Zhi (1905-93), the founder of German Studies at Peking University and creator of the Chinese sonnet, was confronted with the three thousand year history of his home culture, where he felt himself in exile. Inspired by his examination of Western literature and philosophy, Feng Zhi transformed the ancient legend of Wu Zixu - a spectacular story of revenge - into his novel Wu Zixu (1946), a modern lyrical allegory of the wartime lost generation's search for its home. Crystalizing attitudes of the 1940s Chinese avant-garde towards the transmitted canon and promoting the view that a historically desired Chinese Renaissance depends upon a blending of Eastern and Western concepts, Feng Zhi's work leads the way to a literary (counter) revolution.