Journal intime (1811-1816).Carnet.Livres de dépenses

ISBN 9783484504073
CHF 288.90
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Volume 7 contains the journal written in Greek characters and kept by the author between 1811 and 1816. It traces his itinerary from the point where he left Switzerland for Germany up to his return to Paris under the Second Restoration. The journal records Constant's stay in Germany, the Cent-jours, his volte-face to Napoleon and the Empire, and his exile in London, alongside the author's errant sentimental attachments to Charlotte von Hardenberg, Juliette Récamier, and Mme de Staël, and his ongoing scholarly aspirations and frustrated political ambitions. The journal is followed by the carnet written after an accident, and a series of notebooks on his expenses, which Constant kept to his death. The texts come with the usual resources: a chronology, a record of the author's movements, listings of persons and proper names, a bibliography, and various indexes.