Adonia Verlag: Introduction to Solid-State Theory - Madelung, Otfried - Springer

Introduction to Solid-State Theory

Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences 2
ISBN 9783540604433
CHF 252.00
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Inhaltsangabe1. Fundamentals.- 1.1 Introduction.- 1.2 The Basic Hamiltonian.- 1.3 The Hartree-Fock Approximation.- 2. The One-Electron Approximation.- 2.1 The Electron Gas Without Interaction.- 2.1.1 Introduction.- 2.1.2 The Energy States.- 2.1.3 Excited States.- 2.1.4 The Fermi Distribution.- 2.1.5 Free Electrons in an Electric Field.- 2.1.6 Free Electrons in a Magnetic Field.- 2.1.7 Dia- and Paramagnetism of Free Electrons, the de Haasvan Alphen Effect.- 2.2 Electrons in a Periodic Potential.- 2.2.1 Introduction.- 2.2.2 The Symmetries of the Crystal Lattice.- 2.2.3 The Schrödinger Equation for Electrons in a Periodic Potential.- 2.2.4 The Reciprocal Lattice, Bragg Reflections.- 2.2.5 Consequences of Translational Invariance.- 2.2.6 Nearly Free Electron Approximation.- 2.2.7 Wannier Functions, LCAO Approximation.- 2.2.8 General Properties of the Function En(k).- 2.2.9 Dynamics of Crystal Electrons.- 2.2.10 The Density of States in the Band Model.- 2.2.11 The Band Structure of Metals, Fermi Surfaces.- 2.2.12 The Band Structure of Semiconductors and Insulators.- 2.2.13 Consequences of the Invariance of the Hamiltonian to Symmetry Operations of the Space Group.- 2.2.14 Irreducible Representations of Space Groups.- 2.2.15 Spin, Time Reversal.- 2.2.16 Pseudopotentials.- 3. Elementary Excitations.- 3.1 The Interacting Electron Gas: Quasi-Electrons and Plasmons.- 3.1.1 Introduction.- 3.1.2 The Coulomb Interaction.- 3.1.3 The Hartree-Fock Approximation for the Electron Gas.- 3.1.4 Screening, Plasmons.- 3.1.5 Quasi-Electrons.- 3.1.6 The Dielectric Constant of the Electron Gas.- 3.2 Electron-Hole Interaction in Semiconductors and Insulators: Excitons.- 3.2.1 Introduction.- 3.2.2 The Ground State of the Insulator in Bloch and Wannier Representation.- 3.2.3 Excited States, the Exciton Representation.- 3.2.4 Wannier Excitons.- 3.2.5 Frenkel Excitons.- 3.2.6 Excitons as Elementary Excitations.- 3.3 Ion-Ion Interaction: Phonons.- 3.3.1 Introduction.- 3.3.2 The Classical Equations of Motion.- 3.3.3 Normal Coordinates, Phonons.- 3.3.4 The Energy Content of the Lattice Vibrations, Specific Heat.- 3.3.5 Calculation of Phonon Dispersion Relations.- 3.3.6 The Density of States.- 3.3.7 The Long Wavelength Limit: Acoustic Branch.- 3.3.8 The Long Wavelength Limit: Optical Branch.- 3.4 Spin-Spin Interaction: Magnons.- 3.4.1 Introduction.- 3.4.2 Spin Waves in Ferromagnets: Magnons.- 3.4.3 Spin Waves in Lattices with a Basis, Ferri-, and Antiferromagnetism.- 3.4.4 Ferromagnetism Near the Curie Temperature.- 3.4.5 Ordered Magnetism of Valence and Conduction Electrons, the Collective Electron Model.- 4. Electron-Phonon Interaction: Transport Phenomena.- 4.1 The Interaction Processes.- 4.1.1 Introduction.- 4.1.2 Interaction of Electrons with Acoustic Phonons.- 4.1.3 Electron-Phonon Interaction in Polar Solids, Polarons.- 4.2 The Boltzmann Equation.- 4.2.1 Introduction.- 4.2 Boltzmann Equations for the Electron and Phonon Systems.- 4.2.3 The Relaxation Time Approximation.- 4.2.4 The Variational Method.- 4.3 Formal Transport Theory.- 4.3.1 The Transport Equations.- 4.3.2 Transport Coefficients Without a Magnetic Field.- 4.3.3 Transport Coefficients with a Magnetic Field.- 4.4 Transport in Metals and Semiconductors.- 4.4.1 The Electrical Conductivity.- 4.4.2 Transport Coefficients in the Relaxation Time Approximation.- 4.4.3 Limits of Validity and Possible Extensions of the Approximations Used.- 5. Electron-Electron Interaction by Exchange of Virtual Phonons: Superconductivity.- 5.1 Introduction.- 5.2 Cooper Pairs.- 5.3 The Ground State of the Superconducting Electron Gas.- 5.4 Excited States.- 5.5 Comparison with Experiment.- 5.6 Thc Meissner-Ochsenfeld Effect.- 5.7 Further Theoretical Concepts.- 6. Interaction with Photons: Optics.- 6.1 Fundamentals.- 6.1.1 Introduction.- 6.1.2 Photons.- 6.1.3 Polaritons.- 6.1.4 The Complex Dielectric Constant.- 6.2 Electron-Photon Interaction.- 6.2.1 Introduction.- 6.2.2 Direct Transitions.- 6.2.3 Indirect Transitions.- 6.2.4 Two-Phot