Adonia Verlag: Immune Consequences of Trauma, Shock, and SepsisSpringer

Immune Consequences of Trauma, Shock, and Sepsis

Mechanisms and Therapeutic Approaches
ISBN 9783642734700
CHF 171.90
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InhaltsangabeSection 1 General Aspects.- The Immune Consequences of Trauma: An Overview.- Trauma: Immune Deficiency, Immune Suppression, or Just Immune Cell Redistribution?.- Neuroendocrine Response to Severe Trauma and Sepsis.- Section 2 Trauma and Specific Immune Mechanisms.- 2.1 Monocyte T-Cell Interaction and Its Mediators.- Regulation of Hematopoiesis by Growth Factors: Proliferation of the Murine Macrophage as a Model for Stimulatory and Inhibitory Effects.- The Activation of Immune Effector Cells: Role of Helper and Inflammatory CD4 T Cell Subsets.- The Role of Inhibitory Cells in Burn Trauma-Associated Immunodeficiency.- Macrophage - T-Cell Interactions in Surgical Sepsis.- The Relationship Between T Cells and Interleukin 1.- Trauma-Induced Alterations of the Lymphokine Cascade.- Alterations of Monocyte Function Following Major Injury.- Possible Use of the Monocyte/Macrophage Activation Marker Neopterin for Clinical Monitoring of Sepsis-Related Multiorgan Failure.- Expression of Functional Interleukin 2 Receptors in Burn Patients May Be Regulated by Interleukin 3.- Role of Monocyte HLA-DR Expression Following Trauma in Predicting Clinical Outcome.- Early Alterations in HLA Class II Expression and Response to Tetanus Toxoid by Peripheral Blood Monocytes from Patients with Injury from Burns or Trauma.- Lymphocyte Surface Antigen Expression Following Lectin Stimulation: An Index of Early T-Cell Dysfunction After Controlled Murine Injury.- Role of T-Cell Lymphocyte Populations and Their Products as Mediators of Immune Depression in Thermal Burns.- 2.2 Trauma and B-Cell Function.- The Influence of Mechanical Trauma on the B-Cell System: Phenotypes, Terminal B-Cell Maturation, Immunoglobulin Synthesis and Influence of Lymphokines.- Activation of B Cells Spontaneously Secreting Ig After Surgery.- Section 3 Trauma and Non-Specific Immune Mechanisms.- Pathobiochemical Mechanisms in Inflammation.- Cytokines and Oxygen Radical Responses.- Structure and Properties of a Novel Neutrophil-Activating Factor (NAF) Produced by Human Monocytes.- The Effect of Injury on Murine Neutrophil Oxidative Metabolism.- Opsonophagocytosis in Patients Undergoing Abdominal Surgery.- Effects of Pyocyanine, Liberated by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, on the Oxidative Burst of Phagocytes.- Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte Function Following Burn and Mechanical Injury: Regulation and Kinetics.- The Role of Complement in Injury.- Control of Acute-Phase Protein Production.- Elastase from Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes, Complement and C-Reactive Protein in Multiple Trauma Patients.- Flow Cytometric Analysis of Phagocytosis, Respiratory Burst, Intracellular pH, and Cytosolic Free Calcium of Granulocytes of Post-traumatic and Septic Patients.- Cellular and Humoral Reactions of the Nonspecific Immune System of Polytraumatized Patients with and without and the Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome.- Granulocyte Adherence in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery Under Cardiopulmonary Bypass.- Studies on the Release of Lipoxygenase Products from Granulocytes of Severely Burned Patients.- Section 4 Endotoxin, Prostaglandin, and other Triggers of Trauma-Induced Immunosuppression.- Immune Modulation by Microorganisms.- Endotoxin-Induced Impairment of Host Defenses.- Prostaglandins and Leukotrienes in Monocyte/T Cell Function in Stress and Trauma.- Serum Mediators and the Generation of Immune Suppression.- Trauma Peptide T-Cell Suppression: Mechanisms of Action.- Role of Platelet-Activating Factor and Structurally Related Alkyl Phospholipids in Immune and Cytotoxic Processes.- Regulatory Role of Platelet-Activating Factor on Cytokine Production.- Potential Role for Platelet-Activating Factor and Tumor Necrosis Factor in the Immune Impairments in Shock and Trauma.- Suppression of Endotoxin-Induced Monokine Release by Human Serum Fractions.- Role of Corticosteroids in the Pathogenesis of Posttraumatic Thymic Involution.- Section 5 Immunology of the Skin and Wound Healing.- Immunology of Skin.- Immun