Adonia Verlag: Imaging in Paediatric Urology - Becker, W - Springer

Imaging in Paediatric Urology

ISBN 9783642628030
CHF 60.20
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Inhaltsangabe1 Clinical Aspects of Paediatric Urology.- 1.1 Embryology.- 1.1.1 Development of the Kidney.- 1.1.1 Development of the Kidney.- 1.1.2 Development of the Ureter.- 1.1.3 Development of the Bladder.- 1.1.4 Development of the Sinus Urogenitalis.- 1.1.5 Development of the Genital Ducts.- 1.1.6 Development of the Male Genitalia.- 1.2 Anomalies of the Upper Urinary Tract.- 1.2.1 Renal Dysgenesis.- 1.2.2 Cystic Disease of the Kidney.- 1.2.3 Renal Anomalies of Ascent, Fusion and Rotation.- 1.2.4 Anomalies of the Collecting System and Ureter.- 1.3 Anomalies of the Lower Urinary Tract.- 1.3.1 Bladder Exstrophy.- 1.3.2 Other Congenital Anomalies of the Bladder.- 1.3.3 Anomalies of the Urachus.- 1.3.4 Neurogenic Disorder of the Lower Urinary Tract.- 1.3.5 Posterior Urethral Valves.- 1.3.6 Other Congenital Anomalies of the Urethra.- 1.4 Prune-belly Syndrome.- 1.4.1 Aetiology and Pathogenesis.- 1.4.2 Clinical Presentation and Evaluation.- 1.4.3 Therapy and Prognosis.- 1.5 Urinary Tract Infections.- 1.5.1 Aetiology and Pathogenesis.- 1.5.2 Clinical Presentation.- 1.5.3 Clinical Evaluation.- 1.5.4 Theraphy.- 1.5.5 Genitourinary Tract Infection.- 1.6 Urolithiasis.- 1.6.1 General Pathophysiology of Stone Formation.- 1.6.1 General Pathophysiology of Stone Formation.- 1.6.3 Clinical Presentation and Evaluation.- 1.6.4 Therapy.- 1.7 Vesico-ureteral Reflux.- 1.7.1 Aetiology and Pathogenesis.- 1.7.2 Clinical Presentation.- 1.7.2 Clinical Evaluation.- 1.7.4 Grading.- 1.7.5 Theraphy.- 1.8 Megaureter.- 1.8.1 Definition.- 1.8.2 Pathophysiology.- 1.8.3 Clinical Presentation and Evaluation.- 1.8.4 Therapy.- 1.8.5 Operative Techniques.- 1.9 Obstructive Uropathy.- 1.9.1 Pathophysiology.- 1.9.2 Clinical Presentation.- 1.9.2 Clinical Evaluation.- 1.9.3 Clinical Management.- 1.9.5 Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction.- 1.9.5 Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction.- 1.10 Paediatric Oncology.- 1.10.1 Wilms' Tumour.- 1.10.1 Neuroblastoma.- 1.10.3 Testicular Tumours in Children.- 1.10.4 Rhabdomyosarcoma of the Pelvis.- References.- 2 Diagnostic Procedures in Paediatric Uroradiology.- 2.1 Introduction.- 2.2 Ultrasonography.- 2.2.1 Grey-scale US.- 2.2.2 Doppler US.- 2.2.3 Contrast-enhanced Voiding US.- 2.3 Voiding Cysto-urethrography.- 2.3.1 Technique.- 2.3.2 Clinical Applications.- 2.4 Intravenous Urography.- 2.4.1 Technique.- 2.4.2 Clinical Applications.- 2.5 Computed Tomography.- 2.5.1 Technique.- 2.5.2 Clinical Applications.- 2.6 Magnetic Resonance Imaging.- 2.6.1 Technique.- 2.6.2 Clinical Applications.- 2.7 Conclusions.- References.- 3 Nuclear Medicine Imaging and Therapy in Paediatric Urology.- 3.1 Radiopharmaceuticals for Dynamic Renal Scintigraphy.- 3.1.1 Iodine-123 o-Iodohippurate.- 3.1.2 Technetium-99m-diethylene Triamine Pentaacetic Acid.- 3.1.3 Technetium-99m-mercaptoacetyltriglycine.- 3.2 Radiopharmaceuticals for Static Renal Scintigraphy.- 3.2.1 Technetium 99m-dimercaptosuccinic Acid.- 3.2.2 Technetium 99m-glucoheptonate.- 3.3 Dose Schedules and Radiation Burden.- 3.4 Renal Imaging.- 3.4.1 Planar Scintigraphy.- 3.4.2 Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography.- 3.4.3 Dynamic Renal Scintigraphy.- 3.5 Renal Clearance.- 3.6 Diuresis Scintigraphy.- 3.7 Renal Cortical Scintigraphy.- 3.7.1 99mTc-DMSA in the Diagnosis of Renal Malformation.- 3.7.1 99mTc-DMSA in the Diagnosis of Upper Urinary Tract Infection.- 3.7.3 99mTc-DMSA in the Diagnosis of Renal Scarring.- 3.7.4 Cortical Scintigraphy: Conclusion.- 3.8 Radionuclide Cystography.- 3.8 Direct Radionuclide Cystography.- 3.8. Indirect Radionuclide Cystography.- 3.8.3 Clinical Studies in Reflux.- 3.8.4 Radiation Burden.- 3.9 Meta-iodobenzylguanidine in Neuroblastoma.- 3.9.1 Pharmacology.- 3.9.2 Scintigraphy with 131I-Meta-iodobenzylguanidine.- 3.9.2 Scintigraphy with 123I-Meta-iodobenzylguanidine.- 3.9.4 The 123I-MIBG Scan in Neuroblastoma.- 3.9.5 131I-MIBG Scan in Neuroblastoma.- 3.9.6 Radiation Burden of MIBG Scintigraphy and Therapy.- References.- 4 Case Reports.- Case 1: Bilateral Renal Hypoplasia.- Case 2: Unil