Images of Crime III.

ISBN 9783428130580
CHF 35.10
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InhaltsangabeInhalt: R. Reiner, Preface - T. Serassis / H. Kania / H.-J. Albrecht, Introduction - N. Christie / H. Giertsen, When Sexuality Lost its Disciplining Power: Changes in Conditions for Control - J. Mooney / J. Young, Youth, Moral Panic and Late Modernity - N. Paraskevopoulos, Targeting Majorities: New Orientations of Penal Control - R. Lippens, Tribal Images, Fashionable Deviance, and Cultural Distinction: Notes on Criminological Change - A. Chaidou, Images of Violence in Everyday Life - K. Bott / K. Reich / H.-J. Kerner, Images of 'Crime' from Kindergarten to High School: Development and Differentiation of Concepts of Crime and Criminals in the Early Life Course among Young People in Germany - J. Hupfeld, Men's and Women's Theories about the Causes of Crime: The Influence of Severity and Type of Offence on Intentions to Punish - M. Bock, The Selective Perception of Domestic Violence - D. Vyleta, From Crime Science to Detective Fiction: The Case of Agatha Christie - J. Alber, The Ideological Underpinnings of Prisons and their Inmates from Charles Dickens's Novels to Twentieth-Century Film - P. Mason, Hollywood's Prison Film: Towards a Discursive Regime of Imprisonment - M. Fludernik / M. Brandenstein, Images of Crime and the German Justice System in German Trial Soaps - G. Forti, 'Public Harm' in the Media Selection of Crimes: A Discussion of a Recent Research Project in Light of Cesare Beccaria's Philosophy