Adonia Verlag: Handbook of Metric Fixed Point TheorySpringer

Handbook of Metric Fixed Point Theory

ISBN 9780792370734
CHF 171.90
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InhaltsangabePreface. 1. Contraction Mappings and Extensions; W.A. Kirk. 2. Examples of Fixed Point Free Mappings; B. Sims. 3. Classical Theory of Nonexpansive Mappings; K. Goebel, W.A. Kirk. 4. Geometrical Background of Metric Fixed Point Theory; S. Prus. 5. Some Moduli and Constants Related to Metric Fixed Point Theory; E.L. Fuster. 6. Ultra-Methods in Metric Fixed Point Theory; M.A. Khamsi, B. Sims. 7. Stability of the Fixed Point Property for Nonexpansive Mappings; J. Garcia-Falset, A. Jiménez-Melado, E. Llorens-Fuster. 8. Metric Fixed Point Results Concerning Measures of Noncompactness; T. Dominguez, M.A. Japón, G. López. 9. Renormings of l1 and c0 and Fixed Point Properties; P.N. Dowling, C.J. Lennard, B. Turett. 10. Nonexpansive Mappings: Boundary/Inwardness Conditions and Local Theory; W.A. Kirk, C.H. Morales. 11. Rotative Mappings and Mappings with Constant Displacement; W. Kaczor, M. Koter-Mórgowska. 12. Geometric Properties Related to Fixed Point Theory in Some Banach Function Lattices; S. Chen, Y. Cui, H. Hudzik, B. Sims. 13. Introduction to Hyperconvex Spaces; R. Espinola, M.A. Khamsi. 14. Fixed Points of Holomorphic Mappings: A Metric Approach; T. Kuczumow, S. Reich, D. Shoikhet. 15. Fixed Point and Non-Linear Ergodic Theorems for Semigroups of Non-Linear Mappings; A. To-Ming Lau, W. Takahashi. 16. Generic Aspects of Metric Fixed Point Theory; S. Reich, A.J. Zaslavski. 17. Metric Environment of the Topological Fixed Point Theorms; K. Goebel. 18. Order-Theoretic Aspects of Metric Fixed Point Theory; J. Jachymski. 19. Fixed Point and Related Theorems for Set-Valued Mappings; G. X.-Z. Yuan. Index.