Güterverkehrszentrum und City Logistik

ISBN 9783640859337
24 Seiten, Taschenbuch/Paperback
CHF 22.05
BOD folgt in ca. einer Woche
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Verkehrswissenschaft, Note: 1,8, Fachhochschule Erfurt (Wirtschaft - Logistik - Verkehr), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: If we look at the traffic situation over the past decades there are serious facts we

cant ignore traffic jam and chaos on the streets during the rush hour especially in

our cities.Hence it foollows that we have to find solutions for these problems.

As a result of that in the 1970s and 1980s two catchwords have won more and

more influence in transport policy- cargo transport centre and city logistics.

With the help of different points we want to show you the advantages and

disadvantages of these two possibillities of solutions of traffic caused problems.

At first there are an introduction and some introducing words referring to the

reason of the traffic problem. In the second chapter some theoretical basics and

definitions are explained. The third chapter deals with the first catchword of the

cargo transport centre. In this part the reader on the one handside is introduced in

the structure and the constituent parts of a cargo transport centre and on the other

handside he gets information about characteristics, functions and the aims of it.

The forth chapter is about the second catchword named city logistics. In this

chaptor the reador gets information about the idea of city logistics, its advantages

and disadvantages as soon as the structure of itself. Last but not least there is the

summary of all chaptors as an recapitulatory ending.