German Yearbook of International Law - Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht.

ISBN 9783428118533
1004 Seiten, Gebunden/Hardcover
CHF 192.60
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InhaltsangabeInhalt: Forum: R. Hofmann, The German Federal Constitutional Court and Public International Law: New Decisions, New Approaches? - P. C. Mavroidis, Cosi Fan Tutti [sic] - Tales of Trade and Development, Development and Trade - Focus Section: Africa and International Law: M. Bedjaoui, La contribution en demi-teinte de l'Afrique au développement du droit international - B. T. Mukirya Nyanduga, Refugee Protection under the 1969 OAU Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa - J.-F. Durieux / A. Hurwitz, How Many Is Too Many? African and European Legal Responses to Mass Influxes of Refugees - H. Strydom, South Africa and International Law: From Confrontation to Cooperation - N. Klein, State Responsibility for International Humanitarian Law Violations and the Work of the Eritrea Ethiopia Claims Commission So Far - M. J. Aznar-Gómez / J. M. Ortega Terol, Spain and Its Former African Territories. A General Survey of Current Cooperation - General Articles: K. Dörmann / L. Colassis, International Humanitarian Law in the Iraq Conflict - A. Bianchi, Dismantling the Wall: The ICJ's Advisory Opinion and Its Likely Impact on International Law - D. Kretzmer, The Supreme Court of Israel: Judicial Review during Armed Conflict - R. Geiss, Failed States: Legal Aspects and Security Implications - N. Boldt, Outsourcing War: Private Military Companies and International Humanitarian Law - A. Siehr, Derogation Measures under Article 4 ICCPR, with Special Consideration of the "War Against International Terrorism" - A. Klug, Harmonization of Asylum in the European Union: Emergence of an EU Refugee System? - B. Siemen, The EU-US Agreement on Passenger Name Records and EC-Law. Data Protection, Competences and Human Rights Issues in International Agreements of the Community - R. Steiling / A. Schultz, Changes and Challenges to the EU Judicial System after the Constitutional Treaty. An Overview - T. Laubner, Relieving the Court of Its Success? Protocol No. 14 to the European Convention on Human Rights - Reports: R. Groß / S. Stubbe, Die Rechtsprechung des Internationalen Gerichtshofes im Jahre 2004 - T. Müller, Die Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofes für Menschenrechte im Jahre 2004 - H. Leitsch, Die Rechtsprechung des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofes für das ehemalige Jugoslawien im Jahre 2004 - F. Bayer / H. Jessen, Die Rechtsprechung des WTO-Streitbeilegungsgremiums im Jahre 2004 - R. Happ / N. Rubins, Awards and Decisions of ICSID Tribunals in 2004 - S. Jötten, Die Tätigkeit der International Law Commission im Jahre 2004 - Book Reviews