Geometrical and Exact Unification of Spacetime, Gravity and Quanta

ISBN 9783968310428
350 Seiten, Taschenbuch/Paperback
CHF 33.75
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How are relativity, gravity and quantum physics unified?

Our solution is geometrical: the dynamics of volume.

Our solution fulfills the following criteria:

We completely use elements of reality.

Our solution is derived exactly from physical principles.

We use no hypothesis or fit.

We achieve precise accordance with observation.

We provide precise predictions.

Relativity including gravity implies the dynamics of volume.

The dynamics of volume provides the

transmission of gravitational interaction

curvature of spacetime

expansion of space

solution of the flatness problem

mapping to Ricci flow

Schrödinger equation

correct postulates of quantum physics

universality of quantization

second quantization by elements of reality

exact dynamics and explanation of nonlocality

full causality in spacetime

explanation of Einsteins principle of locality

exact explanation of quantum paradoxes

explanation of a measurement process by elements of reality

dynamics of the measurement process

explanation of zeropoint energy by elements of reality

formation of matter by phase transitions

observed density of dark energy

explanation of dark energy by elements of reality

observed Hubble

observable value of H0 as a function of redshift (front cover)

era of cosmic inflation

evolution of dark energy during cosmic inflation

dynamics and explanation of fundamental interactions

interpretation of quanta by dynamics of volume

cosmological parameters

derivation of quantum gravity by elements of reality

In this book we derive all findings in a systematic, clear and smooth manner. We summarize our results by many definitions, propositions and theorems. We are classes from grade 10 or higher, courses, research clubs, enthusiasts, observers, experimentalists, mathematicians, natural scientists, researchers