Adonia Verlag: Gender in Spanish Urban SpacesSpringer

Gender in Spanish Urban Spaces

Literary and Visual Narratives of the New Millennium, Hispanic Urban Studies
ISBN 9783319473246
CHF 126.00
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This book examines Spain's urban centers by unpacking the tensions between how cityscapes inform and are informed by individual gender performances. Grounded in current theoretical perspectives emergent from women's and gender studies as well as spatial theory, contributors analyze recent Spanish literary fiction and visual narratives from the turn of the millennium to the present day. This volume collectively critiques and interrogates the traditional heteronormative politics and economics that have bolstered gender divides in Spanish metropolitan areas. Putting theories by such urban theorists as Pierre Bourdieu and Henri Lefebvre in context and conversation with those of such gender theorists as Judith Butler and Jack Halberstam, this volume emphasizes the impact that diversity has on gender issues.