Freshwaters of Alaska

ISBN 9781461268666
CHF 171.90
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Inhaltsangabe1. The Alaskan Landscape: An Introduction for Limnologists.- 2. History of Limnology in Alaska: Expeditions and Major Projects.- 3. The Limnology of Toolik Lake.- 4. The Kuparuk River: A Long-Term Study of Biological and Chemical Processes in an Arctic River.- 5. The Limnology of Smith Lake.- 6. Waterfowl and Wetland Ecology in Alaska.- 7. The Effect of Salmon Carcasses on Alaskan Freshwaters.- 8. An Overview of Alaska Lake-Rearing Salmon Enhancement Strategy: Nutrient Enrichment and Juvenile Stocking.- 9. Alaska Timber Harvest and Fish Habitat.- 10. Gold Placer Mining and Stream Ecosystems of Interior Alaska.- 11. Ecology of Overwintering Fishes in Alaskan Freshwaters.- 12. Glacial Reccession and Freshwater Ecosystems in Coastal Alaska.- 13. Streams and Rivers of Alaska: A High Latitude Perspective on Running Waters.- Taxonomic Index.- Place Index.