Adonia Verlag: Forming the MindSpringer

Forming the Mind

Essays on the Internal Senses and the Mind/Body Problem from Avicenna to the Med
ISBN 9781402060830
CHF 171.90
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InhaltsangabeList of Contributors.- Preface.- 1. Introduction: The Mind/Body Problem and Late Medieval Conceptions of the Soul; Henrik Lagerlund.- 2. Memory and Recollection in Ibn Sînâ's and Ibn Rushd's Philosophical Texts Translated into Latin in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries: A Perspective on the Doctrine of the Internal Senses in Arabic Psychological Science; Carla Di Martino.- 3. Imagination and Experience in the Sensory Soul and Beyond: Richard Rufus, Roger Bacon and Their Contemporaries; Rega Wood.- 4. The Soul as an Entity: Dante, Aquinas, and Olivi; Mikko Yrjönsuuri.- 5. Self-Knowledge and Cognitive Assent: Thomas Aquinas and Peter Olivi on the KK-Thesis; Christopher J. Martin.- 6. The Invention of Singular Thought; Calvin G. Normore.- 7. John Buridan on the Immateriality of the Intellect; Jack Zupko.- 8. How Matter Becomes Mind: Late-Medieval Theories of Emergence; Olaf Pluta.- 9. Passions and Old Men in Renaissance Gerontology; Timo Joutsivou.- 10. Why Isn't the Mind-Body Problem Medieval?; Peter King.- 11. Matter, Mind, and Hylomorphism in Ibn Gabirol and Spinoza; Tamar Rudavsky.- 12. Cajetan and Suarez on Agent Sense: Metaphysics and Epistemology in Late Aristotelian Thought; Cees Leijenhorst.- 13. Is Descartes' Body a Mode of Mind?; Deborah Brown.- 14. Mind and Extension (Descartes, Hobbes, More); Robert Pasnau.- 15. Emotional Pathologies and Reason in French Medical Enlightenment; Timo Kaitaro.- Bibliography.- Index.