Eventdesign Jahrbuch 2020 / 2021

ISBN 9783899863314
256 Seiten, Taschenbuch/Paperback
Titel fehlt vorübergehend
The world is changing. Many developments are impacting our lives: sustainability, values, equality, purpose, digitisation or Generation Z. If one takes a look at the broad mass of brand experiences, however, it prompts the question: where is change? But then it came: with COVID-19! Suddenly it was about peoples lives, about our supply system and the rescuing of our and many other industries. This is therefore a special Event Design Yearbook. It allows us to revel in projects that were prohibited for months due to the risk of infection in 2020. And it shows experience concepts from the time before COVID-19. With all the predicted changes after the pandemic, such as those described by e.g. Cedric Ebener in an interview, the question arises as to how the concepts presented here might look in future.