Ernst Mach A Deeper Look

ISBN 9780792318538
CHF 229.50
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InhaltsangabeSection I: Historical Documents. 1. Some Biographical Documents. 2. Ernst Mach in Prague. 3. Ernst Mach as a Historian of Science as Seen in Book Reviews and Notes (1896-1932). 4. Mach Correspondence. Section II: Philosophical Documents. 5. Some Philosophical Documents. 6. The Mach-Planck Polemics. 7. Mach and Einstein. 8. Mach's Relativity vs. Einstein's Relativity. Section III: Anthology. 9. The Scientist as a Buddhist; U. Baatz. 10. Mach's Phenomenalism as a Link between Physics and Psychology; M. Cekic. 11. Poetic Imagination and Economy: Ernst Mach as Theorist of Science; R. Haller. 12. Mach's Relativism vs. Apriorism and the Mechanistic World View; K. Noé. 13. Mach's Critique of Newtonian Mechanics; M. Bunge. 14. More on Mach and Einstein; G. Holton. 15. Three Batches of Reasons for Mach's Rejection of Einstein's Theory of Relativity; R. Itagaki. 16. Mach, Einstein, and Kuwaki; S. Tanaka. 17. Ernst Mach's Influence on Four Japanese Thinkers; M.A. Santone. 18. The `Verein Ernst Mach' -- What was it really? F. Stadler. 19. The Influence of Mach's Philosophy in Yugoslavia; M. Cekic. 20. Mach, Utrecht, and Dutch Philosophy; H. Visser. Bibliography. Index.