Encyclopedia and Utopia

ISBN 9789048147335
CHF 263.70
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InhaltsangabeEditorial. Articles: Encyclopedia and Utopia: The Life and
Work of Otto Neurath. Otto Neurath - Encyclopedia and
Utopia; F. Stadler. Otto Neurath''s Vision of Science
Between Utopia and Encyclopedia; E. Nemeth. I: Otto Neurath
- Life, Work, and Influence. Otto Neurath
(1882-1945) - Life and Work; P. Neurath.
Otto Neurath - For and Against; R. Haller. Philosophy in
the Earthly Plane; N. Cartwright, T.E. Uebel. II: Scientific
World Conception - Unity of Science -
Encyclopedia. Vienna Circle and French Enlightenment - A
Comparison of Diderot''s Encyclopedie with Neurath''s
International Encyclopedia of Unified Science; H.-J.
Dahms. Atlases, Cities, Mosaics - Neurath and the
Encyclopedie; W. Tega. Terminology in Action:
Neurath and the International Encyclopedia of Unified Science;
G. Reisch. Encyclopedism as an Anti-Cartesian Account of
Language and Science; T. Mormann. Normativity and Convention
- On the Constructivist Element of Neurath''s Naturalism;
T.E. Uebel. The Auxiliary Motive in the Forest and in Optics;
M. Stöltzner. Can Science be Likened to a Well-Written
Fairy Tale? A Contemporary Reply to Schlick''s Objections to Neurath''s
Coherence Theory; T. Grundmann. III: Pictorial Statistics
- Isotype - Museology. Otto Neurath and Contemporary
Knowledge and Information Societies - A Newly Established
Liaison; K.H. Müller. Isotype and Infographics; A.
Jansen. The Changing Media of Visual Statistics; D.
Skopec. Otto Neurath and the CIAM - The International
Pictorial Language as a Notational System for Town Planning;
E. Chapel. Otto Neurath and the Modern Public Museum: The Case
of the Natural History Museum (London); R. Miles. Scientific
World Conceptions'' and Museum Planning; H. Kräutler. IV:
Economy, Sociology, and Planning. Otto Neurath and Planning Theory;
A. Faludi. Theories of Life Conditions Since Otto Neurath
&endash; Some Fragments; A. Amann. Otto Neurath or the Will to
Plan; A. Soulez. Otto Neurath, Proletarian Democracy'' and
Social Planning; J. Dvořák. Visual Education
&endash; Humanisation versus Popularisation; O. Neurath. (ed. by
J. Manninen. The Otto Neurath Nachlaß in Haarlem
(NL); R. Fabian. Reviews. Activities of the Institute Vienna
Circle. Survey 1996. Preview 1997. Index of Names.