Donald Graham

ISBN 9783775746915
224 Seiten, Gebunden/Hardcover
CHF 68.40
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Authenticity, honesty, and character: Donald Grahams portraits are not simply photographic recordings. Looking at them is like looking at human beings themselves, brought forth by the photographer with his virtuoso technique and sensibilities. These brilliant, strongly contrasting black-and-white photos are evidence of attitude, rather than studied gestures. Eyes and faces are not model-like masks; instead, they express the unique nature of those portrayed. Inevitably, viewers fi nd themselves in a dialogue with the images. You wonder about the stories behind these faces; though unfamiliar, they are nevertheless an emotional experience. This magnifi cent volume of pictures is the fi rst extensive publication of Grahams haunting work. Reproduced in an elaborate triplex process, the printed photographs also possess great brilliance. On paper they seem almost tangible, fully revealing this outstanding oeuvre.

DONALD GRAHAM is an internationally celebrated fashion, portrait, and fi ne art photographer. His work has won many awards and is included in museum collections including New Yorks Metropolitan Museum of Art and the International Center of Photography. After living in Paris and New York, Graham now lives in Los Angeles.