Adonia Verlag: Die Aufhellung des Judentums im Platonismus - Strauss, Ze'ev - Gruyter

Die Aufhellung des Judentums im Platonismus

Zu den jüdisch-platonischen Quellen des Deutschen Idealismus, dargestellt anhand
ISBN 9783110621877
CHF 154.80
Wird für Sie besorgt
This study traces G. W. F. Hegels intellectual engagement with the Jewish Platonist Philo of Alexandria. In a historic-systematical investigation, Strauss elucidates the ambivalence of Hegels image of Philo. Hegel understood him as a transitional figure between Judaism and Christianity. At the same time, he saw Philos thought as an early form of Neo-Platonism in which the Biblical God encounters the metaphysical Logos of the Greeks for the first time.