Culture and Diplomacy: Ambassadors as Cultural Actors in Ottoman-European Relati

ISBN 9783990941997
752 Seiten, Gebunden/Hardcover
CHF 101.95
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This publication includes the contributions of three symposia organized by Don Juan Archiv Wien in Istanbul and Vienna from 2013 to

2015: Culture of Politics or Cultural Politics: Ambassadors as Cultural Actors in Ottoman-European Relations (Istanbul 2013), Culture ofPolitics or Cultural Politics - Act Two: Representation, Theatricality and Cultural Transfer in Ottoman-European Diplomatic Relations (Vienna 2014) and Culture, Diplomacy and Peacemaking: Ottoman-European Relations in the Wake of the Treaty of Belgrade (1739) and the Era of Maria Theresia (Istanbul 2015). The series Diplomatica will also include Interludia - historical texts of diplomatic reflections from the 15th to the 20th centuries - as intermezzi to the seven parts of this publication, which will be edited in two volumes.