Coup de dés (Collection)

ISBN 9783959058179
280 Seiten, Gebunden/Hardcover
CHF 38.60
Coup de dés (Collection): Books and Ideas after Mallarmé brings together a vast number of

editions of Mallarmés chef duvre as well as many of its historical and contemporary editions

and appropriations by other authors. Mallarmés arrangement of the poem on opposite pages

turned each side into a compositional entity. Constellations of words on a spread and the interplay

between the text fragments and the surrounding whitesimilar to the way a constellation of stars

interacts with the skywas a metaphor explicitly used and introduced into literature by Mallarmé.

His notion of constellation, for example, is connected to Ulises Carrións vision of a new book.

In the old art, to read the last page takes as much time as to read the first one./In the new art the

reading rhythm changes, quickens, speeds up, as he wrote in 1975. The richly illustrated book

contextualizes the perception and appropriations of Mallarmés masterpiece through critical

essays written by the editor and leading scholars such as Annette Gilbert, Craig Dworkin, Luc

Boltanski/Arnaud Esquerre, and Ryoko Sekiguchi.

Michalis Pichler is a Berlin-based artist, primarily operating independently of the commercial

gallery system, and one of the founders and organizers of Miss Read and Conceptual Poetics Day.

Pichlers works often make use of found and pre-used material. He treats pages as canvases and

canvases as pages for works of art.