Be Beryllium

ISBN 9783662103197
CHF 60.20
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The present voLume is the first in a series of suppLement voLumes to the beryLlium voLume which appeared in 1930. This voLume" BeryLLium" SuppLement VoLume A 1 is divided into the following chapters: 1. The Production of Beryllium 2. Uses 3. Nuclides 4. Atoms and Ions 5. MoLecuLes 6. ChemicaL Reactions H 7. The ChemicaL Behavior of Be in SoLution 8. ToxicoLogy of Beryllium Chapter 1 describes the steps from ore dressing to obtaining the metaL and then further refining and preparing speciaL forms. No differentiation is made between processes per­ formed on an industriaL scaLe and a Laboratory scaLe. In Chapter 2 are shown various uses, taken from review literature, of Be as a metaL, in aLLoys, and in compounds. Chapter 6 presents the reactions of Be metaL with various eLements and compounds. In the section on the reactions with metaLs is incLuded its behavior in binary metaL systems (e.g. diffusion). 2 In Chapter 7 the behavior of Be + in soLution is limited to hydration, hydroLysis, and a short survey of the anaLytically most important precipitation reactions. The compLex chemi­ caL behavior will be described in detaiL Later in a speciaL voLume. The crystallographic and physicaL properties, and the eLectrochemicaL behavior will be treated in a Later voLume of the series" BeryLLium" SuppLement A.