Adonia Verlag: Avicenna on the Ontology of Pure Quiddity - Janos, Damien - Gruyter

Avicenna on the Ontology of Pure Quiddity

Scientia Graeco-Arabica 26
ISBN 9783110635980
CHF 176.40
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This study focuses on the metaphysics of the great Arabic philosopher Avicenna (or Ibn Sina, d. 1037 C.E.). More specifically, it delves into Avicennas theory of quiddity or essence, a topic which seized the attention of thinkers both during the medieval and modern periods. Building on recent contributions in Avicennian studies, this book proposes a new and comprehensive interpretation of Avicennas theory of the pure quiddity (also known as the quiddity in itself) and of its ontology. The study provides a careful philological analysis of key passages gleaned from the primary sources in Arabic and a close philosophical contextualization of Avicennas doctrines in light of the legacy of ancient Greek philosophy in Islam and the early development of Arabic philosophy (falsafah) and theology (kalam). The study pays particular attention to how Avicennas theory of quiddity relates to the ancient Greek philosophical discussion about the universals or common things and Mutazilite ontology. Its main thesis is that Avicenna articulated a sophisticated doctrine of the ontology of essence in light of Greek and Bahshamite sources, which decisively shaped subsequent intellectual history in Islam and the Latin West.