Adonia Verlag: An Introduction to Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Elliptic Problems - Ambrosetti, Antonio - Birkhäuser Springer

An Introduction to Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Elliptic Problems

Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications 82
Birkhäuser Springer
ISBN 9780817681135
CHF 97.30
Wird für Sie besorgt
InhaltsangabeNotation.- Preliminaries.- Some Fixed Point Theorems.- Local and Global Inversion Theorems.- Leray-Schauder Topological Degree.- An Outline of Critical Points.- Bifurcation Theory.- Elliptic Problems and Functional Analysis.- Problems with A Priori Bounds.- Asymptotically Linear Problems.- Asymmetric Nonlinearities.- Superlinear Problems.- Quasilinear Problems.- Stationary States of Evolution Equations.- Appendix A Sobolev Spaces.- Exercises.- Index.- Bibliography.