Adonia Verlag: Accretion Disks, Jets and High-Energy Phenomena in AstrophysicsSpringer

Accretion Disks, Jets and High-Energy Phenomena in Astrophysics

Les Houches Session LXXVIII, July 29 - August 23,2002, Les Houches - Ecole d'Ete
ISBN 9783642057687
CHF 229.50
Wird für Sie besorgt
InhaltsangabeThe Physics of Accretion and Ejection.- Accretion and Ejection-Related MHD.- 2D Trans-sonic Hydrodynamics in General Relativity.- Physics Fundamentals of Luminous Accretion Disks Around Black.- Accretion-Ejection Models of Astrophysical Jets.- High Energy Astrophysics.- Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays.- Gamma-Ray Bursts.- Cosmic Rays and Particle Acceleration at Astrophysical Shocks.- Black Holes and AGNs.- The Black Hole Environments.- Accretion Around Active Galactic Nuclei.- High Energy Emission of AGN.- Pre-Main Sequence Objects.- Accretion Signatures in Young Stellar Objects.- Evolution of YSO Disks.- X-Rays from YSOs: Desperately Seeking the Central Engine.- New Instrumentation.- Pierre Auger Observatory: Status and Prospects.- Observations of the High Energy Gamma-Ray Universe.