A Journey in Mathematics Education Research

ISBN 9789400734586
CHF 183.60
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InhaltsangabeList of contributors



James Greeno


Koeno Gravemeijer and Erna Yackel

1. Radical Constructivism


The constructivist researcher as teacher and model builder

Paul Cobb and Leslie P. Steffe

Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 14 (1983), 83-94.

2. Social Constructivism

Introduction, written with Erna Yackel

Young children's emotional acts while doing mathematical problem solving

Paul Cobb, Erna Yackel, and Terry Wood

In D. McLeod & V. A. Adams (Eds.) (1989), Affect and mathematical problem solving: A new perspective, (pp. 117-148). New York: Springer-Verlag.

3. Symbolizing and Instructional Design - Developing Instructional Sequences to Support Students' Mathematical Learning

Introduction, written with Koeno Gravemeijer and Erna Yackel

Learning from distributed theories of intelligence

Paul Cobb

Mind, Culture, and Activity, 5(1998), 187-204.

4. Classroom Mathematical Practices

Introduction, written with Michelle Stephan and Janet Bowers

Participating in classroom mathematical practices

Paul Cobb, Michelle Stephan, Kay McCain, Koeno Gravemeijer

The Journal of Learning Sciences, 10(1&2) (2001), 113-163.

5. Diversity and Equity

Introduction, written with Lynn Liao Hodge and Melissa Gresalfi

Culture, identity, and equity in the mathematics classroom

Paul Cobb and Lynn Liao Hodge

Expanded version of a chapter with the same title in N. S. Nasir and P. Cobb (Eds.) (2007). Improving access to mathematics: Diversity and equity in the classroom, (pp. 159-171). New York: Teachers College Press.

6. The Institutional Setting of Mathematics Teaching and Learning

Introduction, written with Chrystal Dean, Teruni Lamberg, Jana Visnovska, and Qing Zhao

The collective mediation of a high stakes accountability program: Communities and networks of practice

Paul Cobb and Kay McClain

Mind, Culture, and Activity, 13 (2006), 80-100.


Anna Sfard